Hello and welcome to the official blog of The Swarmer Academy! We are a private all- girl home school that specializes in independant thinking and learning. We have a staff of 2 and an enrollment of 6; no plans to add any more. Our staff consists of Chris, the "princiPAL" and Crystal, the "teacher". The staff also takes turns as bus driver and it has been known for the "principal" to be outside participating in physical education activities with the girls. Frisbee seems to be the favorite at the moment. He is also our team bowling coach.
Our students are Tina (10; 4/5th grade), Carly (6; 1st grade), Caitie (3; pre-k 3), Charlee (3; pre-k3), Chey-Chey (1) and Court-Court (1). We don't have a set curriculum. We do alot of "crafts" through learning rather than worksheets. We are beginning to start doing lapbooks. I think these are great visual ways of learning rather than looking at a school book and memorizing its contents.
The girls took a vote (with the youngest 2 using smiles as "yays") and our official mascot is the unicorn and school colors are
pink, baby blue and purple. The man of the house thinks it's "girly". I asked him what did he expect from a house of girls?? LOLThat's us in a nutshell and this is where all our school progress will be posted.